chiptune and rock. I never knew such of a great combination. Awesome stuff man, make more!!!
chiptune and rock. I never knew such of a great combination. Awesome stuff man, make more!!!
Sounds great!
Sounds great!
Thanks you! =)
I like its simplicity. Feels like im doing a puzzle. Keep making more man!!
Thank You for the feedback good sir...i Appreciate it!
Sounds fucking amazing! Definetly fits in that "Madness" style. I already imagine Hank going for a killspree.
I feel a sandman approaching. Sounds fucking amazing~!
Thanks man, was an absolute blast to make!
Sounds calm, alot like a resolution of some sort of problem.
Im just some shmuck from lithuania that makes games and music. Trying to start a community of artists cause I'm bored.
Joined on 6/1/19